After a divorce, men most likely to move to Florida

by | Feb 12, 2021 | Divorce |

It seems that our state, for better or worse, is all over the news lately. But, we are no stranger to the news cycle as we live in one of the most beautiful and most touristed areas in the country and, perhaps, the world. However, a recent study showed that Florida is not just a tourist mecca, it is also where divorced men are most likely to move.

The study

The study was done by, and they sought to see where people move after a divorce. After all, after the seismic life shift of divorce, divorcees often move to a new home state. The study analyzed the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2019 American Community Survey. It found that both sexes are equally likely to move out of state after a divorce, and that nearly half a percent of divorcees move out of U.S. Of those that stayed in the U.S., but moved to a new state, Florida was the top destination for men, followed by California and North Carolina.

What about divorced women?

For women, Texas was the most popular destination. This was followed by Florida and then California, which means that Florida must have a similar appeal to both divorced men and women.

Can we learn anything from this study?

Perhaps, we truly do live in paradise here in Pensacola, Florida, because everyone wants to move here. Broadly though, this data shows the true affect divorce can have on one’s life, causing divorcees to reevaluate their lives and figure out where and how they want to live. This is why it is so important to contact an attorney early in the process to figure out what is in one’s best interests and how to find that new life.

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