Every year, the topic of permanent alimony comes up. And, seemingly, every time the Florida legislature is in session, the topic is debated. However, this year, it actually passed, which has led many to ask, has Florida eliminated permanent alimony? Permanent alimony...
Month: September 2022
Getting a divorce in Florida
When couples in Florida think of divorce, they likely think of a messy and heated dissolution. While this might be the case in a complex divorce matter, the divorce process could be a civil and straightforward process for those who decide to work together to end their...
Can Storm or Hurricane Damage be Claimed on Taxes?
Storms and hurricanes are a fact of life for many Americans. Whether you've suffered storm damage at your home or business, there are some important steps to take in the aftermath. In this blog, we'll explore what happens on a tax return when an individual suffers...
5 Tips on Disputing False Insurance Claims
If you've ever had a car accident, then you know the frustration of dealing with insurance companies. The stress of filing an auto insurance claim can be enough to make anyone go mad, especially when it comes to dealing with false or unreasonably denied claims. Most...
What happens to your business in a Florida divorce?
Starting a business requires a significant financial investment and a lot of hard work. Yet, if you and your spouse decide to divorce, you could lose the business you worked so hard to build. An attorney can help you keep your business without having to give up too...