Florida readers may have seen or read media coverage of a highly contentious child custody case that led to three children being sent to juvenile detention. The matter made headlines after a judge found the kids -- ages 9, 11 and 14 -- in contempt for refusing to...
Month: December 2015
Should poor parents lose their child custody rights?
An unusual and disturbing case is making its way through the legal system and will be heard before one state's Supreme Court. At issue in the case is whether a parent should lose his or her parental rights over financial struggles. The matter may end up before the...
Many will wait until after the holidays to announce divorce
In just a few weeks, the seemingly endless hustle and bustle of the holiday season will be a thing of the past. Once the gifts are put away, the decorations taken down and the last glass of eggnog is drained, many Florida spouses will be ready to have a serious...
Be considerate when asking a spouse for divorce
As the holidays approach, many Florida spouses are aware that this will be the last year that their family celebrates as a combined unit. The decision to divorce may have been made months ago, but very few spouses will broach the subject during the weeks between...
Ruling releases man from obligation for child support
An unusual case has made headlines in Florida and across the nation. A man and woman who have gone through divorce have been engaged in a legal battle over the fate of their frozen embryos. The matter was recently decided, and the outcome may set a precedent for how...