Putting Your Children First

Just For This Day

Just for this morning, I am going to smile whenever I see your face.
And laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you wake up softly all rumpled in your pajamas,
and hold you close until you are ready for the day

Just for this morning,
I will let you choose what you want to wear,
and smile and tell you that you’re beautiful

Just for this morning,
I am going to step over the laundry,
and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning,
I will leave the dishes in the sink
and let you help me put that 100 piece puzzle together.

Just for this afternoon,
I will unplug the television and turn off the computer
and sit with you in the garden, blowing bubbles.

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once,
not even a tiny grumble
when you scream and whine for ice cream.
And I will buy you one, if the ice cream man comes by.

Just for this afternoon,
I won’t worry about what you are going to be when you grow up,
or what the future might bring.

Just for this afternoon,
I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won’t stand over you
trying to ‘fix’ things.

Just for this afternoon,
I will take you to McDonalds,
and buy us both a happy meal, so you can have two toys.

Just for this evening,
I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story
about when you were born and how much we love you.

Just for this evening,
I will let you splash in the tub,
and not get angry when water spills all over my nice clean floor.

Just for this evening,
I will let you stay up late, while we sit on the porch swing
and count all the stars.

Just for this evening,
I will bring you a million glasses of water,
and snuggle beside you and miss my favorite TV show.

Just for this evening, when I kneel down to pray
I will simply be grateful for all that I have
and not ask for anything, except…

Just one more day.

(For Dhylan)

Copyright 1999. Sally Meyer
No portion of this poem may be reproduced or copied without express
permission of the author.
[email protected]

What will happen to the children? Where will they live? How often will I be able to see my children? These are just some of the many questions and concerns divorcing parents face.

At the law office of The Holman Law Firm, we can help you to answer difficult questions related to paternity issues, child custody and visitation. We help our clients focus on what is in the best interests of their children. Our attorneys have come to believe the best parenting requires participation by both parents in raising their children.

To discuss your case and legal options, please call us at 850-435-6909 for a free initial consultation. We serve the following areas: Pensacola, Pace, Cantonment , Florida.  We will listen carefully to your concerns and represent your interests throughout the legal process.

Helping Clients Understand Child Custody

Florida law does not presume that either parent should be given custody of the children. The best interest of the child is the primary consideration of Florida courts in matters of child custody and visitation.

  • However, there are several specific statutory criteria that the court will analyze when approving an initial plan or reviewing a request to modify an existing plan if a parent is transferred by an employer, is ill or perhaps has chemical dependency or addiction issues.
  • In fact, Florida law has now evolved such that there is no longer (as of October 2008) any designation of a primary or secondary parent. Every case requires that a parenting plan be established that clearly outlines each partner’s duties, responsibilities, and parenting time of each child.
  • Florida law seeks to ensure that each minor child receives frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the parents have separated or divorced. State law encourages parents to share the rights and responsibilities of child rearing. The father is given the same consideration as the mother in determining custody regardless of their child’s age, sex or other factors.

In a majority of situations, it is preferable that a child have contact with both parents. However, in some circumstances, parenting time with one parent is not advisable. In these particular cases, we will work with you in an effort to convince the courts of what truly is in your child’s best interests.

Contact Lawyer Stephen T. Holman

In child custody cases, it is always our goal to work out an acceptable agreement between a child’s parents. However, if negotiations break down, we will not hesitate to take your case before the court.

In addition to helping families establish parenting plan agreements, we can also help you modify previously established orders. Please call us at toll free at 850-435-6909 or contact us online for a free initial consultation.