Many Florida readers are familiar with the names Jon and Kate Gosselin, who are featured on the reality television show "Kate Plus 8," formerly known as "Jon and Kate Plus 8." The show focuses on the family's life raising a set of sexuplets, a pair of twins and an...
Month: May 2015
Tips for addressing the family home during property division
The end of a marriage can be a difficult time in the lives of many Florida residents. Coming to terms with the fact that one's trajectory is about to change can be stressful, and the emotional reaction that many spouses have is to hold on tight to those things that...
Could parents lose child custody over “unschooling?”
Florida readers may be aware of a controversial custody fight between a family of 12 and authorities in their state of residence. The state has removed 10 minor children from the care of their parents after a complaint was filed with child protective services. The...
Mother denied child custody in bitter case
When a romantic relationship ends, the former partners are often left with hurt feelings and, in some cases, bitterness. As a result, some who have children together often have a hard time agreeing on what is in the best interest of their children. In a case such as...