Technological and scientific advances continue to alter our daily lives. Scientists have unlocked many of the secrets of the human genome, and DNA testing has revolutionized many things from criminal prosecutions to child support hearings. Establishing paternity is a...
Month: August 2012
Resolving pet custody can be a difficult part of divorce
A divorce initiates the complicated and sometimes extended process of separating into two groups those things that were once held as one. Dividing financial accounts and other liquid assets may seem easy, but there can be disagreements regarding exactly how much...
Court may dismiss Owens’s petition to modify child support order
Football season will begin soon, which is welcome news to many sports fans in Florida, where the sport is extremely popular. Teams have already reported to camp and have been practicing in preparation for the fall. Those who follow the pro game have probably noticed...
Financial differences: divorce vs. separation
With a soaring nationwide divorce rate, Florida couples are not unfamiliar with marital problems. Yet, for couples in the midst of these problems, it can be a difficult decision whether to simply separate in the hopes of reconciling or move straight into a divorce....
Wealthy couple reaches complex property division agreement
When Florida couples divorce, they must decide how they will divide the property they have accumulated during their years together. The process can quickly become complicated where the spouses have a significant number of high-value illiquid assets, such as artwork....