Jon Gosselin seeks child custody of one of eight children

On Behalf of | May 27, 2015 | Firm News |

Many Florida readers are familiar with the names Jon and Kate Gosselin, who are featured on the reality television show “Kate Plus 8,” formerly known as “Jon and Kate Plus 8.” The show focuses on the family’s life raising a set of sexuplets, a pair of twins and an older daughter. While the parents divorced some time back, the mother and children are still filming episodes of the show. The father of the children is now seeking child custody of the older child, claiming that she is being mistreated in the care of her mother.

The basis for the father’s claims seem to be rooted in the 11-year-old daughter’s lack of interest in remaining involved in the television show. During a recent visit with her father, the tween reportedly complained that her mother is forcing her to be a part of the show against her will. Jon Gosselin is also claiming that the child’s mother treats her with cruelty, although there are no details given as to what actions might constitute cruel behavior.

The couple waged a bitter child custody case in court, the result of which was Kate Gosselin receiving primary custody with Jon receiving visitation. Because of that outcome, Jon will have to demonstrate to the court that the living circumstances of his children has substantially changed. If he is seeking full custody of one or more of the kids, he will also have to prove that he is better equipped than their mother to meet their needs.    

In this child custody case, the Gosselin family lives within unusual circumstances. Because the kids play a substantial role on the television show, it can be argued that they are working as professionals. As such, if the oldest child no longer wants to be included in the show but is being forced to do so, that could be viewed by the court as a significant issue. Should Jon Gosselin convince a court that his eldest daughter is being forced to appear on a television show against her will, and demonstrate that he is fully able effectively parent her, the court could give him the chance to do so. In that case, Florida fans of “Kate Plus 8” may find the head count one short of the norm.

Source: Yahoo Parenting, “Can Jon Gosselin Seize Custody of Just One Child From Ex, Kate?“, Jennifer O’Neill, May 15, 2015

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