Flordia residents may need help with hidden assets in divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 20, 2014 | Firm News |

Divorce can be a difficult time for the two individuals involved, and can sometimes make those parties do things that they would not normally do. One of the most common of these actions is hiding assets from their spouse. This is often done so that an individual does not have to share these assets, and it cannot be divided up in court. However, if an individual in Florida going through a divorce has the appropriate assistance, finding hidden assets can be much easier than expected.

Recent statistics show that hidden assets can be found in two out of every three modern divorces. The first step that an individual may want to take is to look for an electronic paper trail. This could include the computer’s browsing history or even regular stops at an ATM on the GPS of the family car.

If anything is uncovered during the individual’s research, they may want to hire a professional that is well-versed in finding hidden assets. These individuals will know the modern strategies and tools used to find hidden assets, and can often successfully find any assets hidden by the other spouse. In fact, modern software can be used by these professionals to root through financial slips to find these hidden assets.

Hopefully, Florida residents will not find hidden assets while searching during their divorce. However, if clues are uncovered that indicates this is an issue, there are trained professionals who may be able to successfully uncover any assets that the other spouse is trying to cover up. This could lead to a more fair settlement and an overall easier divorce.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Uncovering Hidden Assets in Divorce Litigation“, Davis Centeno, Aug. 15, 2014

Source: The Huffington Post, “Uncovering Hidden Assets in Divorce Litigation“, Davis Centeno, Aug. 15, 2014

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