Year: 2020

What to do After a Car Accident

So, you’ve been involved in a car accident… now what? A pretty common reaction is panic, and while common, we advise you to try to remain as calm as possible. If you’ve never been in this type of situation before, it can be pretty difficult to do so. With your car...

Dealing with student loan debt in a divorce

Florida couples who get a divorce may have debts they need to divide as well as assets. One question that may arise is who will be responsible for any student loans. With 45 million Americans carrying student loans and the average age of a first divorce at around 30,...

Common Injuries Caused by Truck Accidents

You see it all the time on the highway: truck accidents. You might begin to believe all truck drivers are sleep deprived or that any slight change in bad weather is the cause. But what are some probable damages the body endures that is caused by these unfortunate...

Education can lead to a lasting marriage

There has been much research over the years about the causes of divorce in Florida and what factors may cause a marriage to be more stable. One factor that has emerged as helpful for the stability of a marriage is education. Couples where both spouses earned a college...

Divorce and business interests: Who gets what?

Divorce can be complicated for Florida residents, especially if the divorcing parties are co-owners of a business. Although some divorcing couples may want to retain ownership and continue to run businesses together after the divorce is final, many couples choose to...

Life insurance in a divorce can be complicated

In Florida, there are many different things that are a part of the divorce agreement beyond just custody and property division. One key area that people need to consider is life insurance. Instead of using a standard approach that many use, parties to a divorce should...

Consider the costs before going to trial

When going through a divorce in Pensacola, FL, couples are faced with numerous choices throughout the process. One of the biggest choices is whether to work toward a divorce settlement or to go through with a trial. Before making the decision, people need to be aware...

Child Custody Rights in Florida

Divorce can be a brutal experience for some couples, but having children involved can mean that they often take the brunt of the blow. While mom and dad will adjust to living apart once again, the children must often get used to having two homes, in many cases, on top...


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