Holman Firm Blog
What Your Insurance Company Should Provide For You After A Hurricane
Hurricane season is officially here and, while you can’t avoid Mother Nature and her wrath, you can always be prepared. Knowing what to expect following a disaster like a hurricane can make a huge difference in how your claim is dealt with.
What Is Parental Alienation?
How Divorced Dads Survive Father’s Day
Father’s Day is approaching, and some may be concerned about what to expect, especially those dads who are divorced or recently split from their spouse. A lot of a father’s greatest loss during a divorce is spending time with their children. It’s important to keep in mind that divorce affects your children too and Father’s Day is the perfect time to show them just how much you love them and how happy you are to be their dad. It may be called Father’s Day, but it really should be spent celebrating those who made you a dad in the first place. Whether you are only spending a few hours or the entire day on Father’s Day with your children, be sure to let your kids know that you are there for them.
Family Law Issues For Same-Sex Couples
Equality in marriage was a huge leap in many ways, but we still have a long way to go before same-sex couples experience real legal equality. Just like couples of the opposite sex, same-sex couples wish for things like a family or being married.
Common Misconceptions About Spousal Support And Alimony
Divorce is a common occurrence and many people go through them every year. Despite how often divorces occur, there are still many misconceptions about what goes on after them. One of the major misconceptions following a divorce involves the payment of alimony. Below are a few myths we are going to debunk for you.
The Benefits Of Having A Prenuptial Agreement
Wedding season in Pensacola is among us and while this is a season full of love and happiness, some couples may be faced with the not-so-happy topic of a prenuptial agreement. If your partner brings up signing a prenuptial agreement, don’t think it is because they have doubts or don’t love you.
Dating During Divorce – Is it ok?
Dating while going through a divorce is not unusual. Actually, it is pretty common – however, just because it is common doesn’t mean that it is always the best choice. Divorce is different for each couple because each person has their own unique issues they are dealing with while going through the divorce process. While at times dating can be helpful to your situation, it can also cause more issues than you truly need. Each divorce is different, so dating while going through it is circumstantial.
Negative Implications A Child Experiences During A Custody Battle
Divorce is never an easy experience, but it is much harder when children are involved. If you aren’t able to put the anger aside that you feel for your ex-spouse and put your child or children’s feelings first, it could have a serious negative impact. Keep in mind that your life is not the only one being affected by this new change, especially when it comes to the new custody arrangements.
What To Do If Your Neighbor’s Dog Bites You
Dog bites can cause serious injuries to their victims. When a dog bite occurs in Pensacola, Florida victims may be entitled to monetary compensation under one or more Florida laws. Just like all personal injury cases, time is of the essence. If you or someone you know has been attacked by a dog contact Stephen T. Holman.
Dealing With A Difficult Co-Parent
Dealing with a difficult co-parent can be mentally and emotionally draining at times. Maintaining a good relationship with your ex will not only help you have peace, but it will also provide peace of mind. Divorce is never easy, especially when children are involved, but co-parenting is detrimental in order to help your children get used to their new normal.
How Prevalent Are Concussions In Youth Sports?
If your child plays sports, you likely expect some injuries to occur. Sports can be rough, from the intense physical activity to the high contact with other players, so getting hurt is no surprise. It may seem like something that just comes with being an athlete.
Why Joint Custody May Be Your Best Choice
It goes without saying that when you and your spouse obtain a Florida divorce, the welfare of your children should be the primary concern of each of you. Divorce has a very negative impact on kids of all ages because it not only destabilizes their home, it also often causes them to erroneously assume that something they said or did caused their parents to break up.
Who Is Responsible When Pool Accidents Happen
Unfortunately, children pass away due to accidental drownings every year. If you are considering building a swimming pool at your Pensacola home, you should become aware of the risks associated with ownership. In some cases, owning a swimming pool could be the largest amount of financial and legal risk you ever take. In the event injury or wrongful death occurs in your swimming pool, the result can be extremely tragic and detrimental.
First Steps To Take After A Car Accident
If you have ever been involved in a car accident, then you know how frightening the situation can be. While your immediate reaction is to panic, it is best to remain calm and first make sure everyone is okay. While over six million car accidents occur each year, a majority of them only involve vehicle damage. Car accidents aren’t something most of us really want to think about, but there are a few things you should specifically know in order to protect yourself.
Issues That Can Come Up After A Divorce Is Finalized
Finalizing a divorce signifies a milestone. However, sometimes even after a divorce is final, issues will occur. Some may take place soon after the divorce is final. Others may come about over time. Today, we take a closer look at what some of these are. It is very important to educate yourself and those you care about on issues that can come up after a divorce is finalized so that all are prepared, know what to expect and are empowered with knowledge.
What To Avoid During The Divorce Process
Emotions tend to run high during the divorce process. You may be tempted to retaliate against your ex-spouse but doing so may hurt you more in the end. Going through a divorce is never easy but it can be done smoothly if you avoid these costly mistakes.
Are You Getting The Alimony You Deserve?
Figuring out the correct amount of alimony, also commonly referred to as spousal support, can be a critical part of the divorce process for couples. Alimony can help get a person back on their feet financially following a divorce. For this reason, it’s important to receive the amount of alimony you deserve.[…]
How The Court Decides Child Support And Alimony
Child support and alimony are two common financial obligations ordered by the courts following a divorce. Knowing how the court decides the amount and who receives it can prove beneficial in any case. Get the facts about what is owed to you following a legal separation. What is Child Support and How the Court Decides […]
What To Do If You Slip And Fall At A Grocery Store
When you are out running your daily errands, the last thing you expect is to be injured. A slip and fall due to someone’s else negligence can cause severe and lasting pain and possible financial hardship. Most falls occur because the business has not taken the proper measurements to ensure the safety of its patrons. […]
Restraining Order Facts
Dealing with an abusive or threatening individual can be stressful but you can take control by obtaining a restraining order. A restraining order will give you the added protection you need against a violent person. Before securing an order, it is important to first understand the facts. What is a Restraining Order? In Florida, a […]
Social Media Do’s And Don’ts During A Divorce
While social media is great for connecting with friends and family, some issues shouldn’t be posted for Facebook friends to see. Social media is a part of most people’s everyday life, but it doesn’t mean you should post everything about your life or what you may be going through. For those who are going through […]
Re-evaluate The Alimony You Are Paying
Have you been considering taking a look at the alimony you have been paying a former spouse? Maybe your financial circumstances have changed and you now have a significant reduction in your income. Or, perhaps you just found out that your ex-spouse has gotten a considerable raise. These situations are common and can often lead […]
What To Do If Your Child Support Payments Are Not Being Used Appropriately
Typically, Following a Divorce One of The Parents Receives Monthly Child Support Payments. the Parent Who Usually Receives These Payments Is Known as The Custodial Parent. Or, the Parent the Children Lives with Most of The Time. It Is Common for Arguments to Occur Regarding the Usage of Child Support Payments. Most of The Time, […]
How To Avoid An 18-Wheeler Accident
While 18-wheelers are great for moving food and other goods across the country, they also have a high record of being involved in accidents. Due to their size and the force of impact they can cause, serious injuries and loss of life are common in 18-wheeler accidents. In order to avoid an 18-wheeler accident, follow […]
How To Handle Post-Custody Arrangements If Your Job Relocates You
You know the dream job that you applied for in that awesome city with incredible benefits? Would you want to turn that down? Probably not! While Pensacola is a great place to live and raise a family, we understand that sometimes life takes you to new places or offers opportunities elsewhere! Now, let’s imagine having […]
Tactics Insurance Companies Use To Lower Your Car Accident Or Personal Injury Claim
If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you have been injured in a car accident or personal injury, there’s a pretty good chance that you have heard from the individual who was at-fault’s insurance company. However, their interests are opposite from yours considering the at-fault party is someone they insured. You deserve […]
Are You Getting The Alimony You Deserve?
Figuring out the correct amount of alimony, also commonly referred to as spousal support, can be a critical part of the divorce process for couples. Alimony can help get a person back on their feet financially following a divorce. For this reason, it’s important to receive the amount of alimony you deserve.
Why Alimony is Important It is not uncommon for one spouse in a marriage to take care of the household rather than work outside of the home. One spouse may take care of the children and home, while the other is the main provider financially. When a divorce occurs, it can be hard for the spouse who has primarily worked inside the home to re-enter back into the workforce.[…]