Re-Evaluate The Alimony You Are Paying
Have you been considering taking a look at the alimony you have been paying a former spouse? Maybe your financial circumstances have changed and you now have a significant reduction in your income. Or, perhaps you just found out that your ex-spouse has gotten a considerable raise. These situations are common and can often lead you to wonder if you are paying too much in alimony. If you would like to request a reduction from the judge, contact The Holman Law Firm. However, some factors may not allow for a reduction. Keep reading below for a few examples.
Request of a Review
In the case that your ex-spouse does not agree with the reduction, you will have to file paperwork requesting an alimony modification. If you are requesting a decrease, you must be able to prove to the judge a significant change in your circumstances since the alimony started. For example, if your ex-spouse has recently remarried, you may be able to receive a reduction.
Show Proof
In the case that you have received a reduction in your income, you must be able to show that this change is lasting and involuntary. You cannot voluntarily choose a drastic change in income and have the court lower your payments. For example, if you voluntarily take a lower paying job, you will still be responsible for paying the same amount of alimony.
Medical Issues
If you have suddenly lost employment due to medical reasons or health issues, you may be able to receive an alimony reduction. Your doctor can write a report regarding your issue to use in court stating how it has impacted your ability to work and earn your income.
Lost Job
If you were let go of your former job due to downsizing, you need to be diligently applying for new employment. Going to court and stating that you have applied for three jobs in a six month period probably won’t get you the reduction you are looking for. Be sure to keep proof of interviews and responses from potential employers. This may help you during this financial hardship!
If you are considering re-evaluating the alimony you have been paying, contact our team of professionals today. We will help guide you on the right path and help to determine if we think you have the potential to reduce your alimony payment.
Stephen T. Holman, Senior Partner, and Justin T. Holman, Partner, are committed to providing the best legal service in Pensacola, Pace and Cantonment, FL in a variety of legal areas including Family Law and Personal Injury. We specialize in Fathers’ Rights and will be there every step of the way to fight for your rights. Our office is located at 1940 W. Saint Mary Avenue, Pensacola, FL 32501. Contact us now for a free consultation at 850-435-6909 or go online at