After An Underage Drinking Arrest

Florida takes a zero-tolerance stance on underage drinking, and any violation can result in extremely severe penalties. The state’s underage drinking laws apply to any person under the age of 21. Whether you are being accused of DUI or possession of alcohol, it is important that you speak to a qualified Pensacola underage drinking defense attorney.

These are serious offenses that require the attention of a lawyer who will fight to help you avoid a conviction that could do irreparable harm to your future. At the law firm of The Holman Law Firm, we provide aggressive, results-oriented representation to young people throughout the Northwest Florida Panhandle who are facing any kind of alcohol-related offense.

Skilled Escambia County Attorneys For Minor In Possession Of Alcohol Defense

Under Florida law, if you are under the age of 21 and you have a blood alcohol level of .02 while operating a vehicle, you can be charged with DUI. Even being in possession of alcohol, regardless of your blood alcohol level, can result in a criminal charge. Either offense can result in your driver’s license being suspended for a minimum of six months in addition to potential fines and jail time.

When you hire our firm, we do everything in our power to avoid a conviction in your case. We build the strongest possible defense on your behalf and seize any opportunity to have the charges against you reduced or dismissed if the police made any errors in your case.

Discuss Underage Drinking Charges In A Free Consultation

To schedule a free initial consultation about your underage drinking case, call toll free at 850-435-6909 or contact us online.

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