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Belviq, also known as lorcaserin hydrochloride, is a medication meant to assist with weight management and is specifically marketed for adults who suffer from obesity and other comorbidities like high cholesterol or blood pressure and diabetes. Unfortunately, Belviq has also been proven to cause a high risk of cancer among users and has been recalled as of February 2020. At the Holman Law Firm, we know how scary it can be when you come to the realization that a medication you take to treat a health condition puts your life at risk. We are dedicated to representing you against big pharmaceutical companies that are not likely to have your best interests at heart. Don’t let fear of fighting a big pharmaceutical company in court stop you from receiving the results that you deserve. If you’ve taken Belviq and have suffered from any kind of cancer diagnosis, read below to learn more about your options and don’t hesitate to call the Holman Law Firm at 850-435-6909 to schedule a consultation.

Adverse Health Outcomes Caused By Use Of Belviq

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the commercial use of Belviq in 2012 on the condition that they conduct clinical trials concerning the risk of cardiovascular problems caused by the medication. This clinical trial lasted 5 years and included 12,000 participants to conduct the study on risk factors associated with Belviq. After the conclusion of this clinical trial, the results showed that Belviq did not effectively treat cardiovascular issues compared to the trial’s placebo. Additionally, the trial showed an association between the use of Belviq and a subsequent cancer diagnosis. Even after the clinical trial had ended, the FDA found that participants who had used Belviq continued to receive cancer diagnoses. Notably, the types of cancer diagnoses increased in addition to the number of cancer cases associated with the use of Belviq. The highest rates of cancer diagnoses were for lung, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer. Among 8 patients that reported adverse reports to the FDA as of March 2020, the 15 types of cancers they reported experiencing included:

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Colon Adenoma
  • Follicular Thyroid Cancer
  • Hodgkin’s Disease
  • Malignant Melanoma
  • Pancreatic Carcinoma
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Adenocarcinoma Pancreas
  • Breast Cancer
  • Endometrial Adenocarcinoma
  • Glioblastoma Multiforme
  • Intraductal Papillary Breast Neoplasm
  • Pancreatic Carcinoma Metastatic
  • Pharyngeal Neoplasm Benign
  • Skin Cancer

Belviq Recall History

When the manufacturers of Belviq initially applied for a New Drug Administration in 2010, the FDA initially denied their application because of some concerns they had with increased risk of cancer that was noted in rat studies prior to clinical studies. Among the conditions observed in the rats involved in these preclinical trials were deaths related to mammary tumors, cancerous masses in lungs of female rats, and an increase in brain tumors in male rats.

In addition to these concerns, the FDA also noted concerns about questionable conduct including withholding data from the rat study, errors with pathology, and poor documentation throughout. Before being approved in 2012, the manufacturers of Belviq seemed to have resolved the FDA’s concerns, but by February of 2020 following clinical trials of Belviq, the FDA invited the manufacturers of Belviq to voluntarily recall Belviq and Belviq XR because of the increased risk of cancer caused by the medications.

What Compensation Could You Receive After Joining A Lawsuit Against Belviq?

As is the case with all personal injury cases, the extent of your settlement depends entirely on the severity of your injuries or conditions caused by Belviq. However, because cancer is such a serious diagnosis, the potential for a large sum of damages is a possibility. The damages we will seek on your behalf include:

  • Any medical expenses you have incurred as a result of your condition
  • Any future medical expenses that you may incur as a result of your condition
  • Loss of wages or salary if this applies
  • Compensation for pain and suffering (both mental and physical) that was a direct result of your condition
  • Any other expenses or financial losses that were a direct result of your condition
  • Punitive damages (if this applies)

If you have taken Belviq as a treatment for obesity and other comorbidities like diabetes or high cholesterol and have received any kind of cancer diagnosis, speak with an experienced mass tort attorney. Your attorney will represent you in your case against Belviq to ensure you receive the compensation that you deserve for your pain and suffering. If you are interested in learning more about the Belviq lawsuit, please don’t hesitate to call the Holman Law Firm at 850-435-6909 to schedule a consultation.

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