Accused Of Embezzling Money?
If you are facing charges for embezzlement, it is important that you get an experienced criminal defense lawyer involved as soon as possible. Embezzlement is a serious crime that can involve severe penalties, including jail time, if you are convicted. A reliable attorney can help to ensure that your interests are protected.
The Pensacola embezzlement defense attorneys at the law firm of The Holman Law Firm, defend clients against a broad range of complex white collar crimes. We have a complete understanding of the law in these matters, and you can rely on us to provide the skillful defense representation you require.
Working To Secure The Best Possible Outcome In Your Case
In most cases, employers who have been victims of embezzlement are most interested in getting their money back. To that end, we attempt to negotiate with your employer to support probation rather than incarceration on the condition that you make full restitution. If you receive probation and fail to pay your employer back, however, your probation can be revoked and the full criminal penalties imposed. Sometimes mediation is a possibility for these types of cases.
If you know that you are being investigated for embezzlement, do not wait until you have been charged with a crime to seek legal advice. Depending on the circumstances of your case, we may be able to negotiate a restitution agreement with your employer before charges are filed against you.
Free Consultation About Embezzlement Charges
To schedule a free initial consultation about your embezzlement case, call toll free at 850-435-6909 or contact us online.
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