Want To Appeal A Bad Outcome?

Not all court cases are resolved favorably for the parties at trial. When this occurs, the next step may be to appeal the case.

Appellate courts are very different from trial courts. An Appellate Court consists of a panel of 8 judges and not a jury. Their role is to determine whether a trial judge made an erroneous decision. The standard of review varies depending on the type of case.

If you are considering an appeal of the trial courts ruling, you need to secure representation of an attorney with extensive appellate experience.

At The Holman Law Firm, our Pensacola appellate lawyers are skilled and experienced in civil appeals in both state and federal courts. Our experience includes family law appeals and personal injury appeals. We understand the challenges that the appellate courts present and how to create strategies that can succeed at the appellate level.

Contact The Florida Federal Appeals Lawyers Of The Holman Law Firm

If you are in need of appellate representation, you need to take the timely steps necessary to secure the representation of an appellate attorney who has the experience and skill to help you succeed at the appellate level. When the quality of representation truly matters, turn to the lawyers at The Holman Law Firm, proudly serving Northwest Florida for 3 decades. To schedule a free initial consultation, call toll free at 850-435-6909 or simply contact us online.

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